Jim Reilly Words & Music
The Reviews are Coming In
"Jim Reilly’s book brilliantly tells a fascinating story of where music, industrial design and musical instrument sales intersect." Phil Ward, Sound on Sound, Feb. 2021
If Donald Waugh's smile above is any indication, people are liking the Ned book. Seriously, though, I'm overwhelmed by all the positive response and feedback. I wouldn't be doing my promotional duty if I didn't put together a page like this. So, with my requisite Canadian humbleness fully in check, I present some feedback, reviews, and nice words from nice people about the latest book project.
For starters, these were from advance copies and are included in the regular promotion:
Wow, Jim Reilly does an amazing job of uncovering what makes Ned, Ned. This book is a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered what makes a true genius tick. — Jim D'Addario, chief executive officer, D’Addario & Company Inc.
This a brilliant study of one of the major creators of musical instruments in the 21st century. It will inspire anyone who has ever dreamed of building musical instruments. — Steve Miller, The Steve Miller Band
Hats off to Jim Reilly for his excellent biography of Ned Steinberger. This book provides a well-researched look behind the curtain at the work of a true wizard. Well done! — Jim Roberts, founding editor, Bass Player magazine, author, American Basses: An Illustrated History & Player's Guide
This is an incredible story about a super innovative and massively influential musical instrument designer with a single-minded drive to create. I’ve known Ned for over forty years, but Jim's book illuminated for me what makes him who he really is. — Andy West, bassist and founding member of the Dixie Dregs
For starters, these were from advance copies and are included in the regular promotion:
Wow, Jim Reilly does an amazing job of uncovering what makes Ned, Ned. This book is a must-read for anyone who has ever wondered what makes a true genius tick. — Jim D'Addario, chief executive officer, D’Addario & Company Inc.
This a brilliant study of one of the major creators of musical instruments in the 21st century. It will inspire anyone who has ever dreamed of building musical instruments. — Steve Miller, The Steve Miller Band
Hats off to Jim Reilly for his excellent biography of Ned Steinberger. This book provides a well-researched look behind the curtain at the work of a true wizard. Well done! — Jim Roberts, founding editor, Bass Player magazine, author, American Basses: An Illustrated History & Player's Guide
This is an incredible story about a super innovative and massively influential musical instrument designer with a single-minded drive to create. I’ve known Ned for over forty years, but Jim's book illuminated for me what makes him who he really is. — Andy West, bassist and founding member of the Dixie Dregs
Here's another bit of advance promotion. So much fun to chat about the book with the wonderful Jon Leibman from For Bass Players Only and Ned. |
Here's a big one - honoured to have the book featured on CBC both on the Homestretch here in Calgary and on the National webpage.
No Treble - one of the best bass centric sites out there wrote this article. They also named Steinberger one of the top 10 books on their holiday wish list.
The quote in the header is from the Feb. 2021 issue of Sound on Sound.
Here's a big one - honoured to have the book featured on CBC both on the Homestretch here in Calgary and on the National webpage.
No Treble - one of the best bass centric sites out there wrote this article. They also named Steinberger one of the top 10 books on their holiday wish list.
The quote in the header is from the Feb. 2021 issue of Sound on Sound.
This was a really fun discussion too. Andy Yakubik is one of the foremost Steinberger experts. He connected with me and Ned. We could have talked for hours. |

Many thanks to Sylvia Bluejay, not only for this picture, one of my favourite of Ned and me, but also for this thoughtful and insightful and review.
Reviews on Amazon keep coming in. Many thanks to everyone for taking the time to share their thoughts.
Honoured to a featured alumnus of Thompson Rivers University. This was where I studied journalism and in many ways, where this journey began. It's a good story - read about it here.
Here's a pleasant surprise for sure, Neo Land, from the Netherlands sharing his thoughts about the book.